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The Lazarus Project (SM)

A unique and groundbreaking component of Build A Pro (SM) is the focus and mission of “The Lazarus Project” (SM). The Lazarus Project supports those battling addiction, incarceration, or homelessness. This program is geared towards providing a second chance to individuals committed to an intensive and meaningful path. Lazarus employers are also committed to fostering the kind of environment that adequately supports a Lazarus Apprentice.

The Build A Pro screening process will enable The Lazarus Project to customize wrap-around services for each individual by partnering with local organizations as providers. A few examples of these wrap-around services available include financial literacy, conflict management & resolution, English as a second language,
remedial math and English, professional etiquette courses, substance abuse education, and many others deemed necessary for the overall employability of the individual.

The Lazarus Project will aggressively seek additional workforce by developing relationships with individuals in otherwise untapped populations such as detention centers, substance abuse treatment facilities, and homeless shelters. Build A Pro believes that utilizing apprenticeships as a structured pathway to success will lead to successful workforce placement. Adequate workforce placement has been proven to reduce the rates of recidivism among the formerly incarcerated and relapse among those struggling with substance abuse disorder (Rose, 2023; Toler & Boone, 2022; DOJ, 2017; Yu, 2018). As it grows, recent apprentice graduates will be our first line for mentoring additional apprentices through the process.

"People should not be defined by their worst moments. With proper support and opportunity, change can and will take place. Regardless of our situation, everyone has something to teach, and we all have more to learn from others.”

The Frederick Douglass Project for Justice

Who is served

  • Anyone with a history of or current struggle with:

  • Incarceration

  • Substance Abuse

  • Homelessness

What are the potential requirements

  • Going to your classes/training

  • Responsiveness / discussions with your success coach

  • Following through on your individualized support plan

    • This may include a 12-step program, sober living, counseling and other things depending on your individual situation.

  • Upon completion, give back what was freely given to you


Special Considerations For Employers
Build A Pro will do everything in our power to prequalify the apprentices that we bring to the employer. Lazarus Apprentices will show their willingness to learn, strong work ethic, focused personal growth, and honesty. The employer can expect a loyal hard-working apprentice and will be asked to show the same. To ensure this positive relationship, Build A Pro partners with training organizations to train the employer on the nuance of mentoring our Lazarus Apprentices on the job. Employers interested in hosting our Lazarus Apprentices should contact us for additional information.

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